Review of Cursed

Cursed (2005)
Dreadful horror flick filled with misdirection, bad actors and immature writing.
26 February 2005
Trust me, movies don't get much worse than this one. Granted my expectations were pretty low before stepped into the theater, but I didn't expect this movie to be THIS bad.

First off, I didn't know which direction Wes Craven wanted to go. Did he want a certified, serious horror piece like the original "Nightmare on Elm St." or a spoofy/slasher flick like "Scream." What you get is something in between and a movie with no direction what so ever. Let me start off with the acting. The acting in this movie was so bad it I wondered if Craven even bothered to yelled out the word "cut" now and then as the actors muddled through B movie scripted cue cards. But then again, you won't see too many Oscar capturing moments when you're faced with riveting thespians like Shannon Elizabeth, Mya, Potia De Rosi, the dude who plays Lex Luther on Smallville and Scott Baio. Yes, "Charles in Charge" himself graces us with his presence playing the character of himself, Scott Baio. The movie barely hangs together with a tissue thin plot and riddle with tons of plot holes and continuity problems. The special effects have got to be the worst I've seen in this day in age, mixing up some pretty bad CGI and robotic puppeting making the werewolves a just slight step down from the Wacko Jacko make-up job in his Thriller video. The movie contains a few bad jokes, some predictable jumpy parts and many scenes plucked straight out of the "1,001 Horror Cliché" guide book. The cherry on top of this complete mess is when the cops have the main werewolf cornered and the victims lure it out with some fat jokes, the werewolf jumps out and gives them the the middle finger. Absolutely brilliant.

This movie was neither scary, funny, enjoyable or even tolerable. I wouldn't recommend to anyone over the age of 20, because I felt that it really targets teens with cheap laughs and thrills. The only thing that really scared me is assumption that Craven will be compelled to make a sequel.
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