Review of Carry on Jack

Carry on Jack (1964)
The Plot/Jokes/Screenplay save the Day!!!
27 February 2005
Many would say if the Name "Carry On Jack" was mentioned, "I haven't seen that one" or "That was terrible wasn't it." To many Carry On Fans..the film is often very underrated.This is due to a very large lack of regulars within it.

Sid James is not in it, nor is anyone common from the Hudis films such as Liz Fraser or Ted Ray.

This was in fact the first film "written" by Talbot Rothwell (though Carry On Cabby was screened first but written second).

The film i feel is a classic.The jokes come thick and fast.Many are quite visual! (wont spoil it for you!) Superb Performances from Charles Hawtrey, Jim dale (In the little part he plays) and Bernard Cribbens(in fact his first carry on outing!).

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