Review of L'Argent

L'Argent (1983)
A "must to see" if we are talking about cinema as an Art.
26 February 2005
Robert Bresson is to cinema what Tàpies or Picasso would be to painting. It is indeed his last work which contains a concentrated knowledge of Art from an artist with 83 years of experience. I would recommend to anyone interested on his career and his cinema to read his notes entitled "Notes sur le cinématographe". In order to be introduced to his language I do also highly recommend to see his earlier works Pickpocket (1959), and "Un condamné a mort c'est échapé" "a condemned to death has scaped(1956). Robert Bresson does not use actors but "models". He gave this nomenclature to what we usually understand by actors due to the fact that he considered usual actors to always overact. Consequently he would picked up people without experience on acting by choosing them by their tone of voice and their austere facial expression. Very concerned to bring cinema to its highest pureness he combines and works with "characters", sound, photography and scenery with a minimalist style. L'argent is certainly a masterpiece. It's essentially cinema.
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