Good family flick----7/10
5 March 2005
While i usually steer clear of family movies, this one had a certain appeal. Not enough for me to pay to see it, but enough that i could watch it for free. And i had a good time. The Incredibles follows a family of superheroes who come out of retirement to save the world. Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, and Samuel L. Jackson provide great voice work, and and some of the flick's funnier moments. I was also pleasantly surprised that the action scenes were entertaining, including a battle with a robot that was much better than the crappy idiotic fights from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. The film has some amazing visuals, some of which i thought might have been real. The team behind it, Pixar, also made one of the only family movies i really love, Toy Story.

As much fun as the movie is, it gets a little slow at some points if your not under 12 years old, and the story is almost non-existent. Still, it is a great movie to watch on a big-screen or with the little kiddies, but nothing to replace a nice R-rated gangster/action/porno/comedy/documentary. 7/10
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