Saved By The Bell :The Wedding
9 March 2005
This movie is for the fans of Saved By The Bell, reading some of the earlier comments, I can see some of them HAVE to be by people who did not like the series. This gives you what the series has promised since episode one (not counting the Ms. Bliss years). Something similar, but obviously appearing before the Friends final episode (Ross and Rachel finally getting together).

19 may be early for marriage, but that was the characters age when the show was to be cancelled, otherwise you would have had to wait 2-3 more years for a marriage movie and then think of the trouble trying to get everyone together to make a new movie (they had to give Jessie a small part just to get her to appear at the end). Having Mr. Belding show up was a classy move, even though he was not part of the college yearS (except a Thanksgiving appearance).

I agree with some of the earlier comments about Gilbert Godfrey's role, it was not good. But, overall, like I said earlier, it gave us the ending most people wanted and Zack's character wanted from the first episode.

My next question is, when will the wedding be on DVD, since it was not part of the College Years DVD set. It should have been part of that since the proposal and idea of marring in Vegas was part of the college years series.
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