Soldier Boyz (1995)
Not bad, not bad at all.....
11 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First, I have to say, if you sit down to watch a movie and you will bash it for being preposterous or not true to reality, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I would suggest documentaries for you.

This is a movie in which Michael Dudikoff plays a character named Toliver, who is a counselor at a prison or possibly a youth detention center. He works with the worst of the worst offenders, gang members, potential serial killers, and parent killers. When the daughter of an influential man is kidnapped while doing charity work in Vietnam, Toliver is asked to get her back. Toliver was a bad *ss special operations soldier who gave up the life after his wife and daughter were killed in a drive by shooting meant to kill gang members. Toliver accepts the position and is given the right to choose whomever he wishes from the pool of lowlifes and scumbags at his disposal. He picks several and off they go to Vietnam to get the girl with the rich daddy back from the evil American hating Vietnamese kidnappers.

Yes, the plot is totally preposterous and not at all plausible, but the movie is actually well done considering this was a made for TV movie. The acting isn't great, but it seems that most of these actors were new to the business and this was just a publicity showcase. There are the clichéd underlying themes of evil turning good, learning to put your differences aside to help others, and working as a team. Toliver is the typical iron fisted ruler who wants his "kids" to do well but won't let emotion show.

Overall, not a bad way to spend a few hours time. It's actually one of his best movies.
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