Norma Shearer
25 March 2005
Firstly, I cannot believe that Norma Shearer is 40 in this film. She looks absolutely incredible and doesn't look a day over 30! Besides being beautiful, Norma Shearer was fantastic in this film! She was brilliantly funny and sophisticated. I once read that Norma Shearer couldn't act (I don't recall who this person is who claimed that), but this person is wrong. Norma can act, and it was definitely proved in this film. Luck was on Norma's side because she ended her acting career with this amusing film.

And Robert Taylor -- what a gag! I love his acting and he's just so adorable! He was fabulous in this film! I won't give anything away, but the definite high point in the film (as well as Robert Taylor's funniest scene) happens in the middle of the movie and deals with a 'sleepy' Taylor...

With such a little -- but talented cast -- this movie is fantastically funny and has hilarious moments and wonderful acting. I cannot rave enough about Norma & Taylor -- just see the film yourself!!
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