Project A-Ko (1986)
Gives anime a bad name
15 April 2005
I'm not sure how this receives such high ratings, except that maybe since it's not very well known the viewers tend to be the hardest core anime fans who love the genre so much that they accept anything animated that comes out of Japan. Aside from containing all of the stereotypical moments that are delivered lavishly in the worst titles in the anime genre, the plot is so shallow and the events are completely implausible even within a fantasy world. A good example of what I mean is when the protagonist and antagonist are charging at each other full speed shouting at the tops of their lungs. This happens not once but about 10 times in the film. How unoriginal can these people be? Although the art is quite good and the animation is acceptable, this film is marred by a total lack of depth and style of plot development where the viewer is supposed to accept every slap in the face and insult that a film can deliver where the writers are fumbling to hold the plot together with one gimmick after the next. If you are the type of viewer who will accept anything the writers try to jam down your throat, you'll like Project A-Ko, but if you have any need for a good plot that is built up of events that are believable within a fantasy environment then stay well clear of Project A-Ko. Go for Escaflowne, Last Exile, Robotech, or Cowboy Bebop.
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