Review of Intimacy

Intimacy (2001)
depressing but intriguing
16 April 2005
Intimacy's title is an ironic joke; this is a movie about the lack of intimacy. Intimacy is supplied entirely through sex by characters who are unable to deal with it in their regular lives. Intelligent and absorbing, Intimacy is also quite depressing. Not sad, not tragic, just dispiriting. Jay is a bitter man who is doing his best to hold the world at arms length, yet his desire for something more than his superficial existence is what propels the actions of the movie. He is unable to connect with other people, but then, that seems to be true of almost everyone in the film, and the movie reeks of desperation.

That doesn't sound like any fun at all, and Intimacy is not a good time movie. And it's not a weepy tragedy either, it's a cold, clinical film about existential loneliness. It is hard going but worth it.
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