Comedy with country performers in it
15 May 2005
This takes place in the South Texas-Mexican border area in about the World War I era. Country stars Roy Clark and Mel Tillis play the two main characters, Ben Hooker and Booger Skaggs. Glen Campbell plays a nasty-talking U.S. Army Captain with a stuck Army truck. There's a Pancho Villa-type character. Yeah, this was the era of Pancho Villa, and the U.S. General John J. Pershing commanded the U.S. pursuit of Villa in Mexico. The Clark and Tillis characters are accused of being desperadoes. In the beginning, they are messing with some women in a saloon or a whorehouse. The comedy is kind of goofy. The title song goes "Life is uphill all the way, for those who choose to play, the desperado." Hooker and Skaggs are so stupid that life would be uphill all the way for them no matter what they did.
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