Failed to focus on what made the first two successful.
20 May 2005
After holding out on watching this film due to the horrendous user ratings and comments, I finally picked this one up and watched with all the comments I read in the back of my mind. "Blade Trinity" isn't as terrible as I thought (basically I had "Daredevil in mind here), but its still an average action flick that had tons of potential and loses its focus in the franchise and doesn't even feel like the finale of trilogy.

"Trinity" takes place a few years later after the second one (I guess) with Blade and Whistler now at battle with media and local/federal police forces while handling their business with the vampires as well. The vampires meanwhile resurrect Dracula in hopes of him changing the tide of the on-going war with Blade and preserve their race. Later on Blade inherits a couple of new sidekicks in Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder) who plays Hannibal King and Jessica Biel who plays Abigail Whistler, Whistler's long lost daughter.

I had way too many personal dislikes in this movie that may be left open for interpretation, but they still hindered the movie and the opinions held by most of it's audience. Let me start with Dracula. One of the baddest characters in movie history was totally miscasted and misplayed by Dominic Purcell. He takes two forms really, one is his true creature form which can be seen in "Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2" and the second is his human form, in which he chooses to resemble a British soccer player that looks like he was Russell Crowe's stunt double in "Gladiator". Instead of Dracula looking elderly and powerful (like "Underworld" and most vampire films), Dracula instead trounces throughout the movie looking like an an extra from the movie "Snatch".

The director also decided to add a hint of comedy into the film by adding Ryan Reynolds to the film, with his character adding anecdotes every 30 seconds which are annoying, not funny and practically turned "Trinity" into an 80's action flick. Even though Blade himself was supposed to be annoyed by Reynold's comments it still didn't fit. And since I only have a 1,000 word limit here, I'll just wrap up the rest of the things that irked me: the Triple H's vampire Pomeranian, Parker Posey erratic acting, the two-time product placement of iPods and the out of control weapons to include Obi-Won Kenobi's light saber.

More importantly, the film never felt like a finale, which was supposed to end the whole trilogy. The film focused more on Dracula and Blade's pointless sidekicks than Blade himself. The ending is terrible because it displayed nothing and used Reynold's narration to explain what happened. The only reason why I even gave it a 5 was the occasional action sequences, musical score and a few added chase scenes. Although this movie isn't as bad as people said, it's still disappointing and could've been an excellent movie with better directing and a better cast.
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