Better than I could have dared to dream.
31 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts with Brad & Angie in couples therapy, a bit like the therapist bits in the Thomas Crown affair, with an unseen questioner. Vey funny responses, and then we're straight into the story of how they met, followed by the two of them in suburban hell - exchanging wary disagreements about dinner and the decor, while presenting 'the perfect couple' to their neighbours. At the same time, they're both sneaking around performing 'hits' and trying to be back in time for dinner, in a house that James Bond would be proud of.

Inevitably they realise who they both are, it turns into naked animosity, and we get a great build up to a surprisingly rough, no-holds barred gunfight (and hand-to-hand). It's not spoiling it for anyone to reveal that they suddenly realise they do love each other, and then spend the rest of the film bickering over the lies they've told each other through the years, during a pretty cool car chase, and extended gunfights. Back with the therapist for the final shot, which is guaranteed to leave you laughing.

Brad and Angelina are both fine actors in their own right, with some superb films behind them. The humour - from start to finish - is both visually broad and verbally sharp. Brilliant support from Vince Vaughn, who gets to steal a scene or two. The action is top-notch, with a higher body-count than most action films, hard-hitting fight scenes, and some nice high-tech espionage too. Special mention must go to the script, which could have been so OBVIOUS and tired - but instead was sharp, very witty, fresh, not dragged down by exposition, and consistently brilliant. When I did notice the soundtrack, it too was just right - original music, and a few cool/jazzy tunes (again, a la the Thomas Crown remake).

The audience agreed - all 2,000 of us laughed at every joke, and "oooh'ed" at every punch landed. There's just something very funny about a domestic in the middle of a firefight (when the filmmakers get it right), and the verbal sparring which comes from being a fairly repressed married couple.

A superb film on all counts, and way above what I expected.
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