Layover (2001)
Looks Pretty Good
10 June 2005
Considering his Age, the Hoff looks okay in this hi-tech thriller. Pity the same can't be said for co-star Yvonne Scio. Whilst the former lad's favourite had the poise and certainly injected a bit of much needed glamour, it can hardly be said that the heart was there to match the smile. Indeed, I have seen more elbow grease in a broken elbowed (both elbows) shrew. As for Gregg Henry (Jack Gillardo), I have seen more eroticism in a nervous shrew being watched by his shrew mother.

don't get me wrong, the basic premise was good. Erotic terrorist espionage thrillers are far too thin on the ground at the moment. Too thin by five, six. Eight!

While it's a shame to see any character, esp. (especially) one played by the Hoff, indulging in extramarital activities (dirty rudeness with sexwomen), I had to enjoy the tastefully shot scenes between Hoff and Scio. He even broke his glasses!

The performance of Lane offered little other than the pedestrian titillation of a boy in a man's world. Besides his slight, and less than occasional aversions to the benign, he showed as much individuality as a pack shrew in a field of pack shrews.

Basically, whilst the actors tried desperately to make the most of a bad lot, even the Hoff couldn't salvage this dead wreckage.
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