Sally reigns as the "Queen of Intense!" Excellent, gripping, moving
12 June 2005
If you like Sally Field, you'll love this movie because she does what Sally does best . . . intense drama! I think she should have won an Academy Award for her portrayal of Karen, the horrified, devastated, angry, Mom/wife whose beautiful teen-age daughter was brutally raped & murdered by a wacko delivering groceries! She was every bit as good as she was in "Norma Rae" and "Places in the Heart"! Some say the movie was not realistic . . obviously you've never been poor or lived in bad neighborhoods, because this kind of stuff happens everyday! The way the justice system works was very realistic also. Gee, let me throw out the name O.J. Simpson! . . I rest my case! Granted the movie was very graphic but so is violent crime in real life! It was very realistic! I cried and grieved (having lost a loved one to violent crime myself) and was angry and revengeful right along with her. I wanted to reach thru the screen and strangle Robert Doob (Kiefer Sutherland, who should of won a best supporting actor award) the cocky, cold, malicious killer, who had no respect for human life and thought he was above the law! I hated him! And I would have done exactly what Sally Fields did if that was my only recourse get justice done! He was clever but she outsmarted him at his own game and did it within the law! This movie was so moving, I was an emotional wreck at the end just like Sally was! I thought the whole cast did a very good job and that the movie was underrated because of it's content. Not everyone wants to watch something so intense. After a hard day at work, I prefer to sit down to something lighthearted like comedy but this one was just to good to pass up!
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