Skinned Alive (1990)
The singularly worst film I have watched in over 35 years
12 June 2005
I am a fan of horror films. I especially love bad horror films. The kind of bad horror films that you feel the need to defend when your mates ask 'what the hell?', or your girlfriend accuses you of being a weird sicko for liking 'this crap'.

Bad horror films are great.

Imagine asking some random 10 year old kid to write a script for a film, then just expand the A4 page of script to 4 A4 pages of script by adding expletives. Then, take another 10 year old kid, and give them a video camera, showing him the record button. Next, take 5 adults off the street, hand them the 4 page script, and bundle them into a room together. Give them 3 mins to learn their lines, then: Lights, Camera, Action.

Finally, record a kid playing (badly) on a toy synth, then overdub the film with this 'soundtrack' so you can't hear the audio properly. Do this experiment 100 times, each time with different people off the street. Pick the crappiest version of those 100, call it Skinned Alive, and send it off to the duplicators.

If anyone claims that this film has any redeeming features, it is just a trick to get some poor other fool to waste 90 mins of their life watching this tripe.

Please, head my advice, and avoid this flick. You have been warned.
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