Excellent Production of A Classic Story
22 June 2005
This Yakov Protazanov movie is an excellent adaptation of Pushkin's classic short story, "The Queen of Spades", with a very good leading performance by Ivan Mozzhukhin and an impressive production for 1916. The story is told deliberately and with considerable detail, allowing the psychological impact to sink in fully, as well as following the developments and turns of the plot itself.

All of the cast is solid, giving carefully restrained performances that work well, but Mozzhukhin stands out as German. He uses his eyes, face, and careful gestures to communicate more than the most extravagant gestures could have done. Even his occasional stylized or exaggerated moments still seem to fit in with the increasing deterioration of his character's mind.

The photography, flashbacks, and special visual effects are quite good for its era, and the special effects are incorporated well into the story. There is one very imaginative sequence that uses a flashback and a jump cut, in the scene when German comes to confront the Countess in her room. The techniques help to flesh out the character of the old Countess and to add extra tension to this crucial scene.

The production as a whole is also of good quality, with detailed settings and good use of extras in the sequences that take place in public. At the time, it would have been quite difficult to improve on this adaptation of Pushkin's story.
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