Review of Jeremy

Jeremy (1973)
27 June 2005
This little gem is one of the rare movies that one sees at a young age and it remains with you (at least if you are a prepubescent girl). This was released in 1973, when I was 12 years old, and I saw it at a drive-in (believe it or not) and I still remember thinking how awesome (yet sad it was) and how I hoped upon hope that my first love would be a boy like Jeremy (wonderfully and sensitively played by Robbie Benson).The love story is sweet and realistic, Glynis O'Connor plays the female love interest of Jeremy and seems to me she and Robbie Benson were involved romantically in real life during the time the movie made, if so the affection and love they displayed on the screen seemed very real.

I remember too that there was a brief nude scene, not graphic, but beautifully displayed, and all of this overwhelmed me at the age I was. I went on to read the book and it was excellent as well. I would love to see this movie released on DVD.

Why don't we see more of Robbie Benson? He was a great young actor in the 70's.
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