Review of Titanic

Titanic (1997)
Why, James Cameron? Why?
28 June 2005
What happened? How could "the father" of Terminator and the guy who made a brilliant sequel to "The Alien" direct this sentimental and poorly acted piece of trash? Thre's no argue about the special effects - they're excellent, and it's OK to show a tragic story like that, but why put a dumb love story in front of it? It's modern versions of "Romeo and Juliette" like this that made the original story stereotypical. They're just too many.

And what's with the casting? First of all there's DiCaprio - oh, boy! Second of all there Kate Winslet - she's a good actress but all the time I thought that Rose was like 20-somethingm and then I find out that she was 17! Excuse me, but Kate Winlset couldn't possibly pass for 17! She didn't look like 17 at all! There're plenty of other good actresses who could be 17 back then. Take Natalie Portman. She's both talented and very beautiful.

It's disappointing to see what James Cameron did this time.

I give it a 3 for the visuals.
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