Well, Maybe Not THE Most Violent Western Ever... But This Ain't No Disney Flick
1 July 2005
CUT-THROATS NINE (2+ outta 5 stars) A very interesting premise for a movie... seven hard-boiled prisoners are chained together and transported across mountainous terrain. A carriage accident leaves them stranded in the middle of nowhere with a revenge-minded soldier and his innocent young daughter. Complication #1: one of the men (we don't know which) savagely killed the soldier's wife. Complication #2: the chains linking the convicts together are made of camouflaged gold to sneak it past mountain bandits. Yes, it all sounds very promising... unfortunately the acting is mostly unimpressive. There are some gratuitous nudity and gore scenes but they look like they belong in a different movie. The identity of the killer isn't really a big surprise if you think about it but the way it was revealed packed a certain climatic punch. All in all, it's a passably entertaining semi-spaghetti western... but it doesn't really live up to its promise. I can definitely imagine Quentin Tarantino remaking this movie and turning it into something great.
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