Everyone enjoyed it for sure !!
19 July 2005
Pleased to meat you , Meat to please you,

The crowd I watched this with were bemused but loved it and my guess is you will to.....

The musical numbers were a surreal highlight and not what i had expected from the standard horror trailer that i had seen promoting this little gem. Abdullas fantasies of Arabian belly dancers doing the 'Bagdad boogie' or his signature number, "I'm the big meat eater, yes i am, I'm the big meat eater pass me the ham" while he minces a whole chicken and a side of beef with his bare hands made my veggie sister nauseous and I'm defiantly going to bust out the kid scientists dance moves that accompany the "chemicals are the future" song next time i go to a disco The Aliens, Abdulla, and Mayor Whippy are worthy bad guys to the heroes, the butcher/linguist small-town good guy and the the scientist/thief school kid and the effects are spot on.

Find a copy and treasure it, its a piece of history, I've mentally added this movie to my list of 'classics' that are a product of strange minds in strange times.

Those involved with the production of this interplanetary, horror, comedy, musical should be proud. The word 'cult' applies to the 'Big Meat Eater' but doesn't do it justice. This movie will live on because the handful of people that have had the privilege to see it will spread the word....

"Have you seen a movie called the Big Meat Eater.....No! Well you can borrow it, you will love it, its proper brilliant"
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