Funny Ha Ha (2002)
like, uh, great
26 July 2005
So, it's like ... you know, like, when you're just out of college and ... and you, like, really don't want to move back home with your parents and you try to ... I don't know ... make a life of your own, and it's just so ... well, it's all in this indie movie about this girl, OK? And her name is Marnie (Kate Dollenmayer) and she's bummed because ... well, first, she's 23 years old, real cute and smart and stuff. But she's not bummed by all that. She's bummed because she really likes this guy Alex (Christian Rudder from the Bishop Allen rock band). But, like, Alex doesn't like her in the same way. I mean, he likes her as a friend, OK? But not, like, the way Marnie really, really likes Alex ... OK, so, like, anyway, Marnie doesn't know what to do and her friends are all, like trying to help her out, even though they keep giving her too much to drink, and every time she drinks, she does dumb stuff like going to a tattoo parlor or kissing a guy she hardly knows. And then there's this other guy she meets at her temp job, a borderline loser named Mitchell (the movie's writer-director Andrew Bujalski), who really wants to go out with Marnie. Which he does, but only after Marnie says she has a boyfriend, even though she doesn't. And she also knows that Alex just got married, spur-of-the-moment, with an ex-girlfriend ... It's just, like ... well, a lot like real life for 20-somethings. And Bujalski's raw, but tender first feature captures the whole bittersweet tangle of half-digested emotions and half-finished sentences with sympathy and poise.
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