Review of Eating Out

Eating Out (I) (2004)
28 July 2005
This little film plays more like a French farce than a Hollywood film and if watched with that in mind it is sure to entertain. So many writers have mined this vein of boy playing girl playing boy in the web of catching the designated lover that it must be one of the more durable lines for comedy success through the years. Adding the contemporary slant of gay proposing straight posing as gay so that straight can get girl and gay can get lover works...but you have to stay with this one to catch all the double entendres that make it fun.

Classical music student Marc (a new 'Brad Pitt' like Ryan Carnes!) is a popular gay hunk who lives with Gwen (Emily Brooke Hands) who thinks she is the one responsible for making straight boys turn gay (!), so convinced is she that all the good men are gaily unavailable to her. Caleb (Scott Lunsford) is a straight guy who lives with jazz music student gay Kyle (Jim Verraros) in a purely roommate situation. Caleb, after an hilarious opening physical setup encounter with Tiffani (Rebekah Kochan), is convinced that gay men have an easier time of getting partnered than straight men. At a party Caleb meets Gwen who thinks Caleb is with Kyle, Caleb wants Gwen, and Kyle wants the apparently aloof Marc. Kyle convinces Caleb that if Caleb poses as gay he will gain entry into the Gwen/Marc abode and have access to Gwen while Kyle will have access to Marc. A spur of the moment telephone sex call (Gwen is attempting to turn on Caleb in front of Marc) results in Caleb and Marc 'hitting it off' much to the confusion of everyone. Add a dinner party for the four people involved which Caleb's ever-so-accepting family also attends and the whole situation explodes. How this whole schema plays out is the punch line of the film and all's well that end's well! The cast is young and inexperienced and in need of a heavier directorial hand, but they are unanimously lovable and the men are certainly eye candy. As written and directed by Q. Allan Brocka EATNG OUT sails along breezily and provides enough fun for all audiences. Grady Harp
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