Riveting, hilarious
30 July 2005
Let me come clean: I'm not an avid documentary-watcher--tend to find them dreadfully dull or painfully preachy, or some combination thereof. This film is a major exception. Catches you from the start, with a really interesting story about a place I certainly hadn't heard of, then pulls you into the lives of the extraordinary folks who live there. You learn some history and some ecology, which is always cool, but at the core this is a story about people who've decided to pursue their dreams in pretty much the middle of nowhere, and face the desert heat and dead-fish-smells with a rich sense of humor intact. This is the kind of film when you leave the theater you feel like talking about (and laughing about) with your friends, and maybe even start thinking actively about making a road-trip over to the Salton Sea to taste the place for yourself. If it's showing in your area, I'd definitely say you should check it out.
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