Worth the time
2 August 2005
Channel surfing one night, I ran across what appeared to be a PBS program on chickens. While PBS programs tend to be different from the usual TV fare, this was way outside the norm. I stopped to see what this program really was, and within a few minutes, was hooked.

What followed was an hour of sheer amusement. Really, this "documentary" is more about people than it is about chickens. And quite unusual people too! The next day around the office "water cooler", I found myself talking about chickens and the people who love them. Next thing I knew, I was trying to convince everyone that Mike the Headless Chicken really did exist once, a dispute that finally had to be resolved via internet research. I'm afraid the water-cooler will never be the same.

If you take delight in the obscure, find humor in the quirky, watch this movie. It will be time well spent.

Now - to track down one of this director's other movies: "Cane Toads: An Unnatural History". Sure to be a riot!
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