Sexy and Surprisingly Good
3 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this movie. Their chemistry reminds you of old Hollywood couples who did a certain amount of movies together: Hepburn and Tracy, Bacall and Bogart...they were sexy together. It looks like they had fun as well, and that's an important element to any film. To look like you enjoyed doing it, because it breaks down the 4th wall for the audience. Granted, there were a lot of rumors swirling around these two, they managed to keep professional and make a kick-a$$ movie.

The premise immediately took me, and when you found out who was in it, you were excited. That's how movies should operate. I could not see Nicole playing this part. She's just not sexy enough and you wouldn't buy that she and Brad were married. I can see how Will Smith could play John, but he'd really need an actress to bring on that crazy energy and chemistry the roles require. The chemistry was important, because you had to buy that despite how much they want to follow orders, part of their attraction was real, as was their love. Jolie and Pitt played that well.

Ange could've been more strong and forceful in her role. I thought she played Jane waaaay too subdued. I understand she was playing the part of a controlled suburban housewife, but let's face it, they're more nagging and annoying than that! :) (Smile please!) I get that Jane was the cautious and controlled character, but she could have put more behind her. Really pumped her up and fleshed out her character so that she was believable as an assassin who's killed 312 people. I guess the whole point was that you shouldn't believe it, but we as the audience already knew, so just go with it. She could've let herself go more with the role other than just the sex scene. Pitt was charming as John, but his comedic delivery was a little off at certain points. He needs more practice. It's like he expects you to think he's funny because he's saying it. It's not enough. It wasn't a major emphasis of the film to be funny I think, but it warranted doing it properly. For the most part, he was amusing because he didn't seem to get that he was being amusing.

I did notice some of the technical mistakes, but it goes with the territory. Fire the script editor or something. We don't care that much. *SPOILER* When they were in the elevator waiting to shoot off the enemy in the Home Made store and the Muzak was playing, it was hilarious. Them just bopping their heads as they're about to blow some tails. Utterly amusing. Supporting actors were wonderful. Who doesn't love Vince Vaugh? Typecasting could be a wonderful thing with Vince in the driver's seat. Had some great deliveries. The action was great, the acting, the humor, and the romantic moments (if you could deign to call them that, lol). I really liked this film. Worthy of becoming apart of my collection :).
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