Review of Snapped

Snapped (2005 Video)
10 August 2005
Where to start? The initial premise is clever enough-a girl who is hired to make, and kill for, art-but it is all downhill from there. The acting is foul, replete with over exaggerated eye-rolls and wooden monotones (to be fair, the lead actress isn't too bad), the camera work is worthy of Dad patrolling the camcorder for a backyard BBQ and the plot is both indecipherable and utterly predictable at the same time. This would all be fine if Sanpped were punctuated by some measure of camp value which made it one of those movies that are so bad that they're fun to watch. But no luck here-the dialogue is deadly boring, not howlingly bad, the death scenes, clichéd and tame, not farcically bloody and over the top. Even by the standards of low budget horror movies, this is utter dreck.
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