Man of the House (I) (2005)
Could've Been Good With A Twist
9 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, the scenes with Cedric The Entertainer feel totally weird. They don't seem to fit the movie. I wonder if someone said: "this movie isn't funny enough, get a fat guy in tight clothes to act silly." I could be totally off, but these scenes seem like they were added after a bad screening. Either way, they can't save a movie that uses the formulaic devices this movie relies on. Tommy Lee Jones is a tough guy Texas Ranger (not the baseball kind, the cop kind) who has to keep cheerleader witnesses safe. In real life this guy would have some serious temptation, but not our tough guy cop! He's all business. Yeah right. The whole thing feels like a reality show gone bad like "Temptation Island, the May-December Edition." The cheerleaders are your garden variety airhead stereotypes (i.e. every cheerleader movie,) and Cedric is the stereotypical corrupt gospel preacher film-flam man (see Steve Martin in "Leap Of Faith.")There's the corrupt cop. There's a quick appearance by "Booger" of "Revenge Of The Nerds" as a shady weasel. There's a wedding of two characters that barely had any chemistry just to attempt to give the movie a happy ending.

Here's my idea to make this movie good: We find out that the reason Tommy Lee Jones never lusts after any of the cheerleaders is because he's secretly extremely gay like the butch tough guy neighbor in "American Beauty." (It's certainly more plausible than the clap-trap "married to my job" excuse that's given.)

Tommy Lee Jones is the same cop he was in "The Fugitive" and "MIB", just take away the sunglasses and plop a ten gallon hat on his head. This movie would be okay for a rainy Sunday afternoon HBO viewing. The cheerleaders are certainly easy on the eyes. Here's the verdict: cute cheerleaders: 8 out of 10, The rest of the movie: 3 out of 10
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