Justice League of America (1997 TV Movie)
Not great, but it could have been worse.
23 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I read reviews of this video before viewing, and watched it with some trepidation. While not a great video, it could have been much worse.

I agree that characterizations of the secret identities could have been better, and the costumes were grossly overdone. However, the project did have merit. Granted, the characters of Superman, Batman, Aquaman and Wonder Woman would have lent a greater deal of authenticity, the heroes in the movie could have been much more heroic. The only thing we see the Atom do as the Atom is rescue a cat from under a porch.

Then there was J'onn J'onzz. I have been a Martian Manhunter fan since the early sixties, and have looked forward to seeing the character portrayed on screen. I am still waiting to see him portrayed well. With today's special effects capabilities in film-making, the Manhunter could have been done so much better. David Ogden Stiers' body was covered by black leotard (not a bad thing), rather than mostly exposed, as the Manhunter is portrayed in the comics. The animated mask used for the Manhunter's face was just lame, and his lack of action in the video was just wrong. Hadn't the wardrobe people heard of bald wigs and makeup? The Weather Man, while also lame, did pose a worthy threat to humanity, and the JLA's actions in dealing with him were entertaining.

In summary, the heroes, again, could have been much more heroic, the costumes would have worked if they had been closer to the comic uniforms, Green Lantern should have been Hal Jordan instead of Guy Gardner, and the Manhunter would have been better off played by Hawkeye, Trapper John, B. J., or even Frank Burns, instead of Major Winchester.
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