North Country (2005)
Is North Country in my Country?
10 November 2005
The movie "North Country" was an interesting movie claiming to be "based on a true story." I am not pig headed and insensitive to women's rights or any other human's rights, but these type of movies always have the tendency to get carried away. Many times they are portrayed to take place so long ago I cannot verify whether its correct or not. I was in my teens in the nineties, and I'm sure there was some questionable activities going on in some parts of the country, but there is no way that this would have been able to fly anywhere in our country. If you like sympathetic movies that make you feel sorry for the main character, go see this, its right up your ally. However, as for me, I enjoy the art of film making and creativity, and not of that of GI JANE. The acting was great in the movie, and will probably be up for some Oscars, but it just ain't my cup of tea.
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