Mildly entertaining - An improvement over II
4 December 2005
Just to be up-front about this - I enjoy these films. The original - Highlander - was the only one in the series which really stands the test of time (Endgame has now joined it in this), and stands head and shoulders above the others for artistic merit and originality, but still, I liked the others well enough.

I also like the much maligned Christopher Lambert. He's an odd actor to be sure - far from the Hollywood norm in appearance, style and accent, but he's nothing if not original and once you understand his understated style, you might just see that the guy has some serious talent. Read on if these statements resonate with you. Otherwise, feel free to move on without reading or rating this review.

Lambert is good, Unger is good, Van Peebles is campy as hell, alternating between absurdist humor and menacing poseur-ship.

The script is OK, certainly less grandiose and more mindless than II (and closer to the original in feeling, pace and plot), but not particularly original.

The production values are a slight step up from II, about as good as Endgame, and almost up to the original's standards.

Conor McLeod has reclaimed something of his humanity - imagining himself to be the last immortal on earth, but of course, he is wrong. Sorcerer Kane, who has stolen the magic of one of McLeod's former teachers, is hunting his head. McLeod has adopted a child and is about to fall in love again, the last thing he needs is an attack by an enemy who has no corporeal body.

The film is entirely predictable, and is nothing more than a fan film. So what? It's harmless entertainment with some very pretty scenes from Scotland and some other gorgeous landscapes, and, if you don't expect much, you might just have a good time with it.
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