A visually/ musically brilliant film
20 December 2005
When you think of Australian film making, one often thinks of those stereotypical stories of suburban housholds or something to do with Abba. Thankfully, a new form of cinema has come out of Australia in recent years, and "One Perfect Day" is definitely one of the most promising pieces.

Essentially, "Perfect" looks at the life of a brilliant young composer, Tommy, who has tried to make a name for himself in Opera. Following the tragic death of a family member, he finds himself drawn to the world of Dance music, as he tries to work out what life was like for her. it is hear that he finally finds a way to reach people, though there are a lot of bumps along the road for him.

Paul Currie's directorial debut is one that shows a great deal of flair. Visually, the film always entices you with it's stunning cinematography, with just the right balance between the overly manic choices of Baz Lurman and normality. Musically, it also has a pretty awesome soundtrack, and quite amazingly it is one that keeps a modern flavour yet still manages to create an emotional connection to the characters.

Everything seems to work in this film, despite some minor issues with the story, but this is definitely worth checking out.
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