Review of Burn It

Burn It (2003– )
Another good drama story line missed
23 December 2005
Why is it that the BBC, in fact most TV executives are doing still in their jobs ? as it always seems to me that the best stuff never makes it up and running. Because I was really glad I stumbled across 'Burn it' sort of late one night and was lucky enough for it to be the first episode of the first series. I avidly watched it until the end of the season and since it seems to me that it must have been on at a silly time or up against something great because I have not really met many other people that did see it from the first show.

Then the second season came around and I thought that the beeb were going to run with it, but it was not as good as the first season, but still worth the watch. Its not like I wanted my time back or anything, its, just... well it did not have the same mix of computer / high tech versus the background lives of all the people involved and because it went more for the lives, loves and back stories thing lost out a bit by becoming more like most other run-of-the-mill TV drama types about a bunch of friends doing something and each other. They were running a web site after all and I liked all the going ons (being in that sort of thing myself) about the problems interweeb companies were having at that time, trying to sell something that was not really worth anything to the people with the cash to keep it going.

It did look like the home work had been done, because it did feel like a few places I have seen with the person, or a couple of friends in charge after they have a good idea for a site, or as I remember it being called by one member of the cast 'a lifestyle internet magazine site' and have the balls to get up and do something about it. Then that was it no repeats, no nothing... I have heard that this was on BBC3 before it was on 2, well I did not think there was a BBC 3 at the time I watched this but I could be wrong... its has got to happen one day :)

I have not looked that hard for a DVD or video of this but if I was to come across it I think it would be my shelf soon as yet another great show cut down before it ever got anywhere.
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