Buck takes dead aim...and misses whatever he was shooting at.
8 December 2005
Buck Jones, one of the greatest of the Western film stars of the 1930's and on into the early '40's,before his tragic death in the Coconut Grove fire in Boston in 1942,wrote himself a semi-western version of a Wallace Beery-Jackie Cooper type-film, and the result was the only film he starred in that was worse and duller than "Stone of Silver Creek."

It might have been slightly better if he had used one of the talented Bupp kids---Tommy or Sonny---instead of Billy Barrud, but not by much.

The beautiful(as usual at Universal) one-sheet and three-sheet posters for this film had more action than the film itself.

Jones was as good as they came as a believable straight-action western star, but had a fondness for Hoot Gibson-type comedy or over-the-hill-to-the-poor-house mellerdrammer that was too often intrusive and seldom worked.
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