Pretty Cool J-Horror Entry
27 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
EVIL DEAD TRAP is a pretty solid J-horror film with several cool elements. It starts to taper off and get kind of dull at the end, but overall a pretty strong film...

EVIL DEAD TRAP starts off with Nami, a late-night TV show host, receiving a strange package in the mail. She opens it up, and it turns out to be a VCR tape. She pops it in and watches what appears to be a pretty rough snuff film of a chick getting cut up and poked in the eye with a knife (in true graphic "Fulci" fashion...). The "killer" filmed the drive to the location where the "snuff-film" was made, so Nami, smelling a hot story, packs up her film crew and heads out to check it out. Of course there are some strange goings-on at the abandoned facility where the snuff-film was shot, and the crew members start getting picked off one-by-one in pretty gruesome fashion. This leads up to the finale of Nami "unmasking" the killer and the completely off-the-wall ending...

All-in-all, EVIL DEAD TRAP is a good film. The story is interesting, there are some novel gore scenes, and the photography, acting, and locations are all very good. The only real problem I had is with the pacing, which started off pretty hot and heavy, and slowed down noticeably in the second half. I actually fell asleep twice trying to watch this film - but that could have been the bourbon...The ending was also completely strange and unexpected - but anyone who watches a lot of this type of J-horror won't be too surprised by that fact. It seems that these films can never have a straight story-line, that they all have to feature some sort of super-natural or just super-strange element to make them work, and although the eyeball scene was rough and there were a few other notable kill scenes, I personally was hoping for a little more of the red-stuff...Definitely recommended for anyone who likes more underground J-horror. 8/10
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