Review of Elephant

Elephant (2003)
Interesting, but not for everyone
8 January 2006
Gus Van Sant's film about a short period in the lives of high school students is an interesting take on modern life. Though it really has no story or resolve, it is great to see a director that is willing to take a different path from the norm for a change.

Essentially about a high school massacre, 'Elephant' follows the lives of various students in a different order. All of them are connected by the time frame with which they are shot, with the end resulting in a massacre by two students.

Utilizing long takes from a steady cam, often from behind each character, and almost devoid of a score, Elephant feels more like an observation then a story, with very little insight into anyone's lives. Although there is some insight into the killers motives, almost everyone seems passive here: At no point do you really feel connected to the characters. If the film is trying to say anything, it is that most peoples lives really are devoid of anything worthwhile, though you can certainly take a lot out of this.

Although I enjoyed it, I must warn those who wish to see it that it's raw style can feel bland, and many will hate it. still, if you want something different, then this will interest you.
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