Review of Lighthouse

Lighthouse (1999)
2 words can sum this movie up....
10 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
No originality! The plot of the movie is this. A criminal psychiatrist, a sick maniac and a bunch of prisoners are on board a boat. The maniac named Leo Rook escapes his cell and proceeds to sink the ship. The prisoners, ship crew and hot psych girl get to shore and are trapped on an island with Rook. The prisoners, rather than side with the maniac, devise a plan to kill him.

The movie is your standard "bad guy picks off good guys one by one until the hero and the girl kill him in the end" so originality isn't a factor.

The cast itself is wonderful with a lot of unknowns and you get into them, so when they die you actually go "awww" instead of "yawn".

The highlight of the movie is when the fat prisoner calls Leo Rook a "sick f*ck!"

The plot is unoriginal but the cast and the setting are decent.

5 out of 10
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