Autumn Fairy Tale was simply fabulous...
19 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I truly do not understand the previous comment of the scenes between Joon-Suh and Eun-Suh as being 'slow.' The scenes between the two are very heartfelt and heartbreaking, as they reveal feelings and thoughts they would share with no one else, not even their respective partners. (I'm referring to their adult selves...) I saw the TV series with English subtitles.

I knew their relationship would be rather uncomfortable to fathom for some people seeing as they had a very strong and close bro/sis relationship for 14 years. But I guess given how much they love each other, how many personal thoughts and feelings they shared, seeing how that they are now nowhere near-blood related (Eun-suh was accidentally switched at birth), and were separated for 9 long years (after Joon-suh, his 'new-real' sister and family moved to the USA, and then subsequently came back), I guess they went for more.

I'm not saying their relationship is not 'weird'. All I'm saying that their adult relationship was portrayed in a very real, very believable, very understandable manner. Their one-on-one conversations are always very deeply emotional, and very truthful, never hiding their real feelings.

After Eun-suh was found to have cancer + dying, and with basically everyone suddenly agreeing to their relationship, their conversations were more and more emotional.

I admit, freely, that I cried a lot during their one on one scenes, as their love, affection, and passion for each other was beyond undeniable.

Yes, I'm a guy, and I cried. It really affected me how very honest, loving and open they are with each other.

The writing, producing, and acting were just simply fantastic. Crying realistically and believably is not an easy skill. All the people in this movie/TV show put most Hollywood actors/actresses to shame with their acting skills, including all the big names.

I know this is a rather disjointed comment, so bear with me, only 2 more to go.

One of the final things I like to mention and was quite evident, was that the happiness of all the characters always seem to require some emotional sacrifice on Eun-suh and Joon-suh's part, ESPECIALLY Eun-suh.

It seemed to me every time Eun-suh found happiness (adult years)...

(esp. when Joon-Suh and Eun-Suh ran away to a ranch for a few days and got engaged. Shin-ae, the new-sister, this one-dimensional, me me me-only bitch, told the family about J & E's relationship in one hell of a whine-fest) ...Eun-suh would always basically have to ARGUE and EXPLAIN painfully WHY she should be happy, whether it be to her biological mother or her old family. Her character basically, in the beginning, sacrificed her mental and emotional state to keep everyone happy. She never had ANY emotional outlet until adult Joon-suh came back into her life.

...Basically the one person least deserving of death and sacrifice, and one who sacrificed the most (Eun-Suh), got the shaft. I got rather angry watching how Eun-suh constantly sacrificed her well being to keep everyone happy and emotionally-balanced. It happens to be sometimes when watching shows I really like.

...The last three episodes where Eun-Suh has cancer and near death, her final days spent with Joon-suh were heart-wrenching and very powerful (to me anyways, and yes, I cried again. I'm a big softie). When Joon-suh finally said "I Love You" to Eun-Suh while on a beach, you can just feel her heart just warm-up and melt. Her face has been a pasty white since she got cancer.

...Oh, oh, oh, I almost completely forget. Bear with me and let me mention another powerful emotional scene, near the very end.

At this point, with Eun-suh degrading and near death, she had asked Joon-suh to take pictures of her while she was still looking okay, and not coughing up blood.

Joon-suh had always said her, he would follow her to death. When Eun-suh found some poison pills in Joon-suh's desk, she becomes deeply saddened and starts ripping up the pictures. Joon-suh walks in and wonders why she's shredding the pictures.

The scene the continues between them is extremely emotionally powerful (again, for me. I don't know about you. I almost always cry during that scene b/c I can understand their depth of love for each other).

She's desperately begging him to promise her to not kill himself, but to go on and protect his family. He strongly says 'NO!' and says consistently 'How can you ask me to live without you? How can you?" All I can say is the scene was very moving and powerful for me. The acting between the 2 leads was just outstanding. Extremely believable.

Some may see the scene as cheesy and derivative, but to me, it was anything but.

....Ok, my final note (I promise.) The music. Simply fabulous. They basically use 4 songs (2 melody, 2 with lyrics) to highlight certain critical happenings/scenes in the move/TV show. I thought the constant/consistent use would annoy me, but it didn't. All 4 pieces are distinctly different and fit perfectly with the scene being highlighted.

*********** FINAL MARK: 10+++++++ out of 10 ***********

Hope my pseudo review/comment/storytelling/opinion wasn't too jarring,


P.S. I had originally started a much longer post. It was getting a bit long winded so erased it and was just going with the first paragraph and that would be that.

Then this comment started getting longer... longer.... longer.... as my train of though just kept rolling.

Hope you like the movie/TV show as much as I do. I doubt it, but I hope you do.

I left a lot of great scenes out of this opinion piece. o include all of them would turn this opinion piece into a rather long E-S-S-A-Y.
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