Secuestro express (II) (2004)
A cheap, awful, low and execrable exploitation movie . What a shame..
20 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is simply an offensive, unreal and exploitative movie made by a Cheap Tarantino rip off, who didn't hesitate to sell out his country culture to get a shameful pass to Hollywood..

Jakubowikz is even lower than the characters depicted in his awful piece of cinematic dung.

It portraits Caracas (and Latin America by rebound) as a horrible and inhospitable hellhole of drugs, constant street violence and utterly corrupt and extremely putrid Cops (and Military) , with nothing redeeming and not a trace of law and order at all.

The stupid, unreal kidnappers depicted here justify their actions by pointing out that most of the country is starving, like it were an excuse to commit crime and behave sadistically.

"Gangsta" Robin Hoods, what an original idea !!

Is full of cheap clichés and unreal characters:

1.- An unbelievable middle Class "Social Justice warrior" street lowlife with a "heart of gold" , associated with

2.-The two little-better-than-animals, sadistic "ghetto-Gangsta" insufferable stereotypes.

Dark skinned and extremely poor, of course. The darker a guy is, the worse.

3.- The "poor little rich girl cliché" who volunteers at a public clinic and loves the "poor and the pauper" but also likes to party wildly, swallow tons of pills and several other drugs (a cross between Mother Theresa and Sid Vicious) AND, inexplicably, is deeply in love and ENGAGED with

4.- An incredibly shallow, insensitive, inhuman, unmoral, cocaine-loving, unlikable, twisted sociopath, stupid, antipathetic upper class boyfriend.

There's some unreal situations:

After a five year relationship and in a matter of few hours, Martin, the creepy Boyfriend:

1.- Goes "out of the closet" and, in a hateful and Homophobic manner, he sodomizes (and enjoys it!!) a gay drug dealer who just saved his life (and who happens to be an old friend!!) in a middle of a death threatening situation, with his five-year-relationship fiancée left alone with the thugs, with both of their lives at stake.

It takes a mindless, utterly twisted inhuman pervert in hard drugs to have that kind of behavior in a situation like this.

2.-After being caught in the middle of the despicable Homo act , The creepy boyfriend is RIDICULED by his own loving girlfriend, who joins the three thugs in the mocking and in a small drug party, like they were old, good friends!! Totally believable, Yeah, right

3.- After a five year loving relationship, He doesn't hesitate to cowardly abandon his fiancée in the hands of the thugs at the first opportunity he has to escape and without asking for any help.

Not even Jeffrey Dahmer would do that.

4.- There are thousands of taxis and Buses in Caracas, but He chose to escape precisely the one the thug's accomplice is driving. What a coincidence.

5.- Absolutely all the Police force in Venezuela is utter corrupt, even worse than the criminals they pursue. And the military officers and soldiers are all gays. I wonder how Venezuela still exists.

The "acting" of this cinematic excrement consists basically in:

a) Point guns to a head. Every five seconds. b) Make rape and execution threats. Also every five seconds. c) insults, cheap drug and sex jokes and swearing. All over the movie. d) Beat and be beaten. 89% of the movie. e) Venezuelan alienated and low "Gangsta slang" e) And, mostly, an individual and extraordinary effort to be as unlikable and cliché as possible.

There is also an embarrassing, pitiful and self humiliating Ruben Blades cameo. If he needed the money so bad, He would better off singing.

This movie IS NOT a socio-political drama and , despite the film's pretensions to social relevance, there is nothing to be learned here and no pleasure to be had.

It also doesn't offer nothing new to film-making, The style is a compendium of Tarantino-Rodriguez pulp rip offs and more-than-exploited post-production Timewarps and Freeze frames, all wrapped in a NOISY (not grainy, NOISY, video gives noise) Envelope. Nothing original.

Just a very bad, derivative, sensationalistic, exploitative and utterly low piece of crap.

Venezuelan people should be ashamed of themselves to glorify this stupid, alienated, offensive and unreal vision of his own country. I bet my life that most of them never have been robbed, don't live in Venezuela, never been in a Venezuelan ghetto or never have met poor people.

They don't deserve to be Venezuelans. They don't deserve to be citizens of any country.

Some guy wrote in one of the glorifying reviews that the absurd and sensationalistic Plot is "100% REAL". Maybe He'd like to hatefully sodomize a Gay guy while both his and her girlfriend's lives are at stake.

Or maybe He already did it.

This exploitation movie is Venezuelan (And Latin American) cinema, pride and dignity at his lowest.

BTW, The miserable, sold-out, Tarantino cheap rip off Director IS A LIAR, He has NEVER been Kidnnaped, He LIED to gain Publicity and to Justify and to give "social relevance" and "reality" to his repugnant,vile and UNREAL excuse of a movie.

When the movie debuted in Venezuela, He pointed that He had never been Kidnapped. He changed that story later, because of the limited and undeserved media hip.

I'm sure that if He were been kidnapped, and the movie were really inspired on His adventure and faithful to the facts, the Homo episode would have been different, something like all the thugs sodomizing the male Hostage. And the latter enjoying it.

Mia Maestro shows She can act, is really a shame she was part of this repulsive abomination.

PLEASE, don't believe this atrocious movie, Venezuela is much more than that.

Is not ONE out of ten, is ZERO out of ten. Less than ZERO.
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