one of the best movies out there!
26 February 2006
this movie is really brain damaging! it will keep blocking your mind the entire day after you've seen it! it is so powerful and abundant in contradictory conceptions on very delicate things that it will put you both in the pro and in the con category. it says things that are extremely true and it tries to show in the end that, no matter how revolted and enraged you are, you just can't do much and things are not so simple. it's in a way an analysis of the system and the discrimination and crimes of the so called 'democracy' and 'human rights' characteristics of our world. it really shows you how humans think under good leadership and how easily our minds change after personal experience and how our mistakes are always payed back in full. it shows the bad parts of being and thinking extreme, like the Nazism conception, and also the bad things of supporting a democratic society. it is a true masterpiece, a movie that makes you think a lot about things that you considered or taught that they are horribly wrong and makes you realize that things are not as simple as you thought!
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