Live & Kicking (1993–2001)
dead and buried
17 March 2006
Where did great Saturday morning go? Its as if the greatest shows on earth suddenly became locked in a fire-balling frenzy or fear and sucked beneath the earth in an almighty ....drip

I mean we got some alrightish stuff now (like dick and dom) but nothing compares to the good olde, good old days!

Zoe Ball was an amazing presenter so full of life so..... kicking? Where did she go I know she has probably been on loads of stuff since but nothing quite as fun filled as live and kicking, what a disappointment.

I think they should reinvent live and kicking possibly to a late night cable channel (possibly an illegal one) that nobody has and change the name to Live and Hoping: For Freedom....and should be about people in a deep well struggling for life, having to turn on each other to survive. last one alive wins!
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