13 April 2006
This movie is absolutely barbaric. Tookie Williams was rightfully executed. Those who defended Tookie for who he was should be ashamed of their ignorant selves. Okay, they probably knew that he killed 4 people, but do they know anything more? His first victim, Albert Owens, night manager of 7/11, was forced to kneel to the ground before Tookie shot him twice in the back with a 12-gauge shotgun. He left behind 2 daughters. Apparently, Snoop Dogg has more sympathy for Tookie than them, because he didn't hold a fundraiser for them. Tookie later told a friend that he killed Albert Owens "because he was white." He boasted about the killing to his own brother, bragging, "you should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him," and then laughed hysterically as he mimicked the dying man's struggles for breath.

His other 3 victims were shot at point blank range. One of them managed to live in excruciating pain for a few hours after her left side of her face was blown off. Tookie later bragged about "blowing away" the family, whom he described as "Buddhaheads." Are you taking notes, Bianca Jagger?

Enough of this redemption crap! HE NEVER APOLOGIZED. HE NEVER EVEN ADMITTED WHAT HE DID. Tookie refused to aid police investigations with any information against his gang. So apparently his message is, "Don't be in a gang, but if you are, don't rat out your friends." If he truly denounced what he did, he would have apologized and given to law enforcement the information so they could prevent future murders. If his books were to be effective, they would have to come from the heart. Judging by what he's refused to do, they don't come from there. The cost of keeping him alive after the appeals outweighed the benefit of him writing books that were bogus and could easily be subbed with something more effective.

The man did not make America better. He unleashed the devil of the Crips. He destroyed over 1,000 lives, including killing 4. He's a phony. Those who felt sorry for him or nominated for him for the Nobel Prize should be ashamed of themselves.

Thank you Arnold for not falling into his trap and giving him justice!
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