For the Love of Nancy (1994 TV Movie)
Where was the reality to this movie?
15 April 2006
I was reading some of the other user comments. I do agree with some of them. No offense, but to be honest, I thought the movie was kind of deep but usually a lot of drama movies are. But I thought this movie was based on *Tracey's* life, so it should of been called For The Love Of Tracey!, Not Nancy. My next opinion is if they made this movie for someone's *real* life, why did it seem fake? One of the other comments from another user mentioned about the character going to the prom, having the best night of her life, eating the pizza, then getting her wisdom teeth yanked the next day. Yes, it is an excuse to not eat. I mean, I watched, on the movie where it has been a month she had gotten them yank and her teeth STILL bothers so her so doesn't want to eat that lasagna that her mom made. Then they argued about the character Nancy, played by Tracey Gold for wanting her to share a dorm room but Nancy wants her space. Of course everyone wants their space. I know I want my space, but it was another way of Nancy can starve herself and no one will know about it.

My 3rd opinion, was Tracey Gold asked to relapse on her anorexia to play for the movie or did she decide to do it on her own? I mean, I thought she was getting help but the same time the movie came out, instead, she did look thinner.

I was also reading another user comment, where it said about Nancy's mom being clueless as it comes. Well I agree there, her mom never really talks to Nancy about anything. And when someone else mention Nancy has a problem, the mother is in denial until Nancy weighs about 90 pounds when she is near death and can't stop doing what she is doing. Also, another one I read, why would some kind of parents take their daughter to court to get her to eat? Almost like going against her instead of backing her up and being there for her. Also seemed like the first time, Nancy didn't want to get better the first time she was in the hospital, but all of a sudden she gets better after she gets home from court. My strongest opinion is that, Tracey's eating disorder was a long battle, and Nancy's eating disorder sounded more like a stage. So to me, it was not about Tracey's life even 5% of it wasn't as they said it was.
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