Average crime melodrama is routine assembly line stuff...
17 April 2006
You're not missing anything if you skip INVISIBLE STRIPES. None of the players are seen to any particular advantage--not boyish looking WILLIAM HOLDEN or tough guy GEORGE RAFT, paired as hot-headed brothers who can't seem to get away from a life of crime. Raft plays a parolee who tries keeping his kid brother Holden clean, while at the same time tempted to join a gang of thieves when he can't seem to hold down a respectable job.

JANE BRYAN, FLORA ROBSON and HUMPHREY BOGART are fine in supporting roles but nothing about their work is liable to stick in the memory. Bogart plays his typical hoodlum role, writhing on the floor under a hail of bullets as was his usual destiny in these sort of things.

Bogart, of course, came into his own once he in inherited all the roles George Raft foolishly turned down--including THE MALTESE FALCON. Raft underplays his role here to such an extent that he looks bored with the whole thing--which he probably was.

This is strictly a routine Warner crime melodrama with uninspired script and direction and easily one you can skip despite a couple of well-staged shootouts.
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