Review of Flight 93

Flight 93 (2006 TV Movie)
A&E's Powerful Presentation Of One Of Our Era's Greatest Tragedies.
9 May 2006
I've been reading through the different opinions regarding this movie. I agree with the consensus that Flight 93 succeeds more than it fails. I generally find those whose opinions were negative to either hate the U.S. as a country, a people, or a government.

Flight 93 hypothesizes what may actually have happened from immediately prior to take-off to the final moments inside the fuselage of this tragic flight. It does so based on known phone calls, radio transmissions, and, finally, eye witness accounts.

Real human drama is more about acting. For Flight 93 the props and effects are adequate and I think they are purposely kept in check in order to allow the story to stand on it's own. The acting is certainly believable as the passengers were everyday people like ourselves. In fact, I think it helps not to cast jaded a-list pros when stories of true everyday humanity are recounted.

Finally, I believe Flight 93 is a success because it really doesn't grandstand. Yes most people do have children and family and yes these folk's lives are going to be impacted every waking minute of every day they breathe on the earth. I think it said this without beating me over the head with sentimentality.

The emptiness, depravity, and skewed morality of the Middle East came to an almost unbelievable critical mass on 9-11. Everything we thought about being safe changed that day causing us to finally go pro-active in the fight. I recommend viewing Flight 93 because it is a powerful reminder as to why we're different as well as a memorial for the passengers that likely saved many more lives.
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