A fast paced brutal and stylish Lodon gangland Saga
12 May 2006
Rollin With Nines is a modern action packed film of the street from the street. It' s a breathless roller-coaster ride of a cinematic experience. It takes the viewer into the streets of London and shows them like you've never seen them before, because it's real. It's Lock Stock without the jokes, it's NARC with a wicked, thumping and relentless soundtrack by the likes of Dizee Rascal, Simon Webbe, Miss Dynamite and anyone who is anyone in the street music scene. The photography is stylish, inventive and aptly hectic. It is without a doubt a piece of ground breaking British cinema. The creators of the story Pikki (also music producer) and Bigs had a huge influence and input on the dialogue, which helped anchor the film firmly into its roots. The films strength is dealing with the issues without sentimentality or moralising. It is a story of revenge and the inability of the main protagonists to escape the only life they know which ultimately reaps their demise. Good performances all round but specially Robbie Gee, Vas Blackwood, Anthony Warren and strong cameo from Jason Flyming.
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