Review of Boo

Boo (2005)
Two hours of my life that I will never get back.
14 May 2006
After watching this movie I had to take a shower to feel as though I had washed the filth off. I was ashamed that in some way, the money that had been paid to rent this crap would somehow end up going back into the pockets of the people who wasted good money on making it. I would love to meet the person that READ this script and thought "wow... this is DYNAMITE!" Seriously - I should have stopped myself when I read the back of the DVD. Four college kids decide to spend Halloween in an abandoned insane asylum?! Closed down because of a fire that broke out on the third floor (obviously where they kept the craziest of the crazies) after which "mysterious" things began happening?! Are you kidding me with this crap?! I don't even know where to start. Maybe with the the unbelievably over-acted characters (complete with the token black cop, the slutty brunette, the nerd, the jock and the virtuous blonde) or perhaps the plot line that was more HOLES than it was PLOT, or right down to the WORST fake gore I think I have ever seen. Sure it had its moments - all films do - but I think I have seen episodes of Scooby Doo that made more sense, and quite frankly scared me more. This movie can be best summed up for me, by the WORST tag line I have ever heard. Token black cop: "Some buildings Don't have a thirteenth floor, well this one shouldn't have a third." What the hell sense does THAT make?? I rest my case. I would love to b***h-slap EVERYONE that was involved in making this piece of junk a reality, and ask could I please be refunded the $7 that I paid to rent it, even though in no way would that make up for the two hours of my life I'm not getting back OR the brain cells that I killed by watching it.
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