Better than you think
17 May 2006
If you've seen or heard about the original adaptation of Guyver, forget what you know. You're doing yourself a favor for two reasons. One is because the first one was such a tur... um, bomb. The second reason is because this one not only has NOTHING to do with the first movie, but has a decent B Movie Sci Fi story line, and absolutely amazing fight scenes.

Guyver 2, along with G Saviour (a live actor version from the pages of the Gundam universe), are both decent B movies fit for Saturday nights with geeky friends who enjoy slightly cheesy Sci Fi, have watched too much MST3K and who know how to not take things so seriously that everything out of their mouths start with, "Yes, well actually...." Guyver 2 is fun.

Give it a look-see.
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