Kaidômaru (2001 Video)
Incredibly disappointing!!!!!!!!
31 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say: the plot idea is actually extremely good and interesting.

The problems I had with this anime is that it was very very slow and it actually wastes a lot of time BUILDING UP ON NOTHING. There are a multitude of unnecessary pauses topped off with horrible dialogue and poorly scripted fight scenes (excpet one, the carriage scene). Oh, it was also WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too short, which left potentially amazing facets unexplored.

If you also have a keen eye you can see, in many instances the animation tags. These are used to help the editing team sequence the film during production and are meant to be totally gone in the final film. They're not absolutely obvious. But a sign of sloppy editing.

This anime relies on its so called look of "antique Japanese art filmed through gauze" to pull up an interested crowd. They actually added this feature digitally. Lazy animation team? If anyone actually knows or has watched actual antique Japanese art films. You'll be left wondering, "Why would you apply that technique to an animation of this type?", It just doesn't make sense. You end up losing a lot of detail for nothing. And no, you can't save it by saying it's an artsy original manga anime. It's not. It has a quite modern animation design theme, and it doesn't touch on any deep philosophical or emotional sources. Ruling it out as an "art film".

The only good thing about it? is the plot. Although the plot is more for people aware of the ancient general courts system.

A total disappointment. A movie cannot be saved by the last ten minutes of it. Which is what this tries to do. But I do applaud the plot once more.

If you want an anime with a deep story like this one failed to bring out, have a look at => Millennium Actress, Perfect Blue, Ghost in The Shell {both} and Tokyo Godfathers. Just one more suggestion => House Of Flying Daggers. If you like Anime you will absolutely LOVE it.
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