Review of Film '72

Film '72 (1971–2018)
10/10 with Barry Norman. 6/10 with Johnathon Ross (Current Host)
31 May 2006
This is a Great series for information on up an coming Films(shown late night U.K). Although it's rating does dip quite a way with Johnathan Ross as host.

Johnathan Ross doesn't have the same relaxing attitude and knowledge about films that the great Barry Norman seemed to have.

Just like his chat show Johnathan Ross's interviewing seems to rely on his guest laughing with or at him. The laughing is not usually about films either, its about Slippers(ask Tom Cruise). If the guest doesn't laugh he seems to just keep on trying. Like the interview in which Harrison Ford was shown a photograph without his hair. This was really embarrassing.

To be fair to him he does have charisma and his not a bad host. He is no Barry Norman though.

I just hope the BBC realise this and try the programme with someone different. In the great words attributed to Barry Norman "And why not?" (Sorry no spell checker).
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