31 May 2006
I need to state up front that I am a fan of the first two X-Men flicks, but this one just didn't measure up.

The biggest problem is the lack of meat. I don't mean that Wolverine appears sickly, I mean that the story was mostly bones. Interesting, but not nearly as engaging as the first two films.

I lost track of all the new characters and story lines. It's harder for me to care about or be interested in characters that have little development. For example, you get a very good history of Wolverine spread out over the first two movies. This enables the viewers to pull for or against the character. In this installment, you get some mild background on the one mutant with the bird wings. Seeee! I don't even remember his name. That was the most for a new character in this movie.

It was like eating bad pizza. I mean, I'll eat it and am happy it's at least pizza, but I'll sure complain afterwards because I know it could have been so much better.
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